Uncatchable Bomber 

Have you ever got "marked" by a bird, while being on your way to the business meeting, date or just casually walking down the street? Have you ever wondered: "How would it be if I where in its position for one day"? You finally have a chance!

About this game 

Uncatchable Bomber is a hyper casual 2D platformer game made in Unity. It was originally created for Brackeys Game Jam 2021.2, which theme was - "Let there be chaos". You play as a bird and your goal is to mark with your bombs as many people as possible, until you get caught by the police.

Jump around buildings, avoid enemy bullets, and eat as much corn as you can to upgrade your "weapon".


- Jump:  W 

- Move player: to the left - A, to the right - D

- Fire Bullets: Enter, Left Mouse Button

- Pick up: E

- Pause Game: Escape


- Characters: https://solaarnoble.itch.io/freesat

- Bird: https://ma9ici4n.itch.io/pixel-art-bird-16x16

- Buildings: https://dairanium.itch.io/

- Guns: https://bigmack.itch.io/wwii-mega-gun-pack

- Star Icon: https://narik-the-artist.itch.io/pixel-art-star-animated

- Splash Effect: https://www.freepik.com/free-vector/coloured-paint-stains-collection_938876.htm


Uncatchable Bomber - Windows - 1.1.zip 25 MB
UncatchableBomber.apk - 1.1 20 MB

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